Check out the new custom Camping Blogger designs!
CampingBlogger.net had this to say about their newest product:
"We all know one of the best insulators around is a knit cap, so why not a knit cap for your favorite beverage? These drink coozies are super durable and do a great job of keeping your cold drinks cold and keeping your hot drinks from burning your hands.
I actually started using these in the spring of 2009 and I loved them so much I had the manufacturer, The Drink Toque, produce a CampingBlogger version for me. They not only do a great job of insulating your beverage of choice, but when they get dirty you just throw them in the wash with the rest of your camping gear and they look brand new!"
Thanks Camping Blogger!
We love how these designs turned out. Great looking logo. Nice classic, camping sign brown base colour. White knit stripes. A great product.
Get yours today at Camping Blogger's shop, and then go camping!
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